Catering Services


rates start at $55/guest


Choosing our “Food Stations” for your event offers the option of having several different types of cuisine stationed around your reception area, where chefs are preparing dishes to order in person.

Stations give you the most variety of all other service styles. If you are looking for a more interactive and less structured reception, this style of service has the potential to create that for you while also allowing for proper flow and a fun culinary experience.

rates start at $35/ guest


With a buffet, we can offer many different food options for your guests at the most cost-effective price point. All dishes are set up in a progressive line and signage indicating menu items is provided. Like stations, buffets can benefit from several styles of dishes to offer variety for your guests. To avoid long lines, guests come up at staggered intervals. For larger events, we set up more than one dish of each item so guests can access the buffet from two sides.

rates start at $55/ guest


The most elegant and structured level of service is the plated dinner service. Our diners begin with a minimum of four-courses so we can create an imaginative seasonal culinary experience.

Family Style plated dinner service is crowd-pleasing. Large platters of the chosen menu are passed around each table, allowing guests to customize their dining experience. All plated dinners come with full-service staff to attend to your guest's needs.

rates are variable


1: a marriage ceremony usually with its accompanying festivities NUPTIALS

2: an act, process, or instance of joining in close association

3: a wedding anniversary or its celebration —usually used in combinationa golden wedding